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Showing posts from April, 2021

Word Break - HTML

Word break with <wbr> (break the word) or &shy (word include with dash after the word break). Resize the browser to see the demo. DEMO superextralongword superextra long word superextra­long­word HTML < h1 > superextralongword </ h1 > < h1 > superextra < wbr > long < wbr > word </ h1 > < h1 > superextra & shy; long & shy;word </ h1 >

Zoom Image on Hover Cursor Change - CSS

Hover cursor an image element it will zoom in and while hover it the cursor will change to different icon. DEMO CSS img { transition: 1 s; cursor: url( "" ), auto; } img:hover { transform: scale( 1.1 ); }

Text Paragraph Truncate - CSS

  Use the -webkit-line-clamp property to truncate the text to a specific number of lines. DEMO This text is trimmed to 3 lines You can use -webkit-line-clamp property to truncate the text to the specific number of lines. An ellipsis will be shown at the point where the text is clamped. This text is trimmed to 4 lines You can use -webkit-line-clamp property to truncate the text to the specific number of lines. An ellipsis will be shown at the point where the text is clamped. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. HTML < h3 > This text is trimmed to 3 lines </ h3 > < div class = "tile-clamp" > < p class = "line-clamp" > You can use < code >- webkit - line - clamp </ code > property to truncate the text to...

Text Under and Over line - CSS

  Framing text without borders can be done in purely css using only with text-decoration. Not supported on Safari. DEMO Underline Overline CSS h2 { text - decoration: underline overline red; }

Form Focus Element - CSS

Utilise :focus-within to have more visual emphasis on the part of an element that has a focused element. DEMO Step 1 Answer 1: Answer 2: Step 2 Answer 3: Answer 4: HTML < fieldset > < legend > Step 1 </ legend > < div > < label for = "q_1" > Answer 1 : </ label > < input id = "q_1" /> </ div > < div > < label for = "q_2" > Answer 2 : </ label > < input id = "q_2" /> </ div > </ fieldset > < fieldset > < legend > Step 2 </ legend > < div > < label for = "q_3" > Answer 3 : </ label > < input id = "q_3" /> </ div > < div > < label for = "q_4" > An...

Mouse Current Position - JS

Get the current position of the mouse using 'MouseEvent' clientX and clientY properties. Move the mouse on any position to see the values in demo below. DEMO JS document . addEventListener( 'mousemove' , (e) => { console . log( `Mouse X: ${e.clientX}, Mouse Y: ${e.clientY}` ); });

Input Date Attributes - HTML

Native <input type="date" /> in HTML, there's several other options for specifying a date/time, handy examples below on how to use them. Note - Safari not supported. DEMO - Date HTML < input type = "date" > DEMO - Month HTML < input type = "month" > DEMO - Week HTML < input type = "week" > DEMO - Date and Time HTML < input type = "datetime-local" >

Display JavaScript Object in HTML - JS

Display each item in the object in HTML. DEMO JS const grocery_list = { "Durian" : { category: "fruit" , price: 5.99 }, "Rambutan" : { category: "fruit" , price: 2.99 }, "Vanilla" : { category: "candy" , price: 2.75 } }; const generatedHtml = Object . keys(grocery_list) . reduce((accum, currKey) => accum + ` < div class = "grocery_item" > < div class = "item" > $ {currKey} </ div > < div class = "category" > $ {grocery_list[currKey] . category} </ div > < div class = "price" > $ {grocery_list[currKey] . price} </ div > </ div > ` , '' ); document . getElementById( 'list-name' ) . innerHTML = generatedHtml;

Text with Background Image - CSS

 Create beautiful text with CSS background-clip property. Choose a background and apply into the text. DEMO Hello CSS h2 { font - size: 6 em; background - image: url(https: // picsum . photos / id / 1002 / 1080 ); background - clip: text; - webkit - background - clip: text; - webkit - text - fill - color: transparent; }